
Learn Tamil Language & Culture



Tamil language

Since 1986
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About Us

We thrive to give the Highest Level of Education

Welcome to Brisbane Tamil School, where your child will learn the Tamil language and culture in a friendly and supportive environment. Established in 1986, Brisbane Tamil School has been a cultural and educational hub for students from India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, and beyond. We are committed to providing the highest level of education while preserving and promoting our cultural values.

Our curriculum is designed in line with the guidelines from the Queensland Department of Education, ensuring a comprehensive and effective learning experience. Our teachers are trained through the LOTE (Languages Other Than English) program, which equips them to deliver the best results in teaching Tamil to students living in Australia.

We offer weekly Tamil classes for children, teenagers, and adults every Saturday afternoon (2:00 – 5:00 pm) during the school term. Classes are held at our Brisbane, Gold Coast, Toowoomba, and Brisbane Northside campuses, with limited online study options available.


The place where your child learns Tamil Language and Culture in a friendly and social atmosphere

Brisbane Branch

Holland Park State High School
Bapaume Rd
Holland Park QLD 4121

North Side Branch

Earnshaw State College
Cnr Earnshaw and Tufnell Roads
Banyo Qld 4014

Gold Coast Branch

Southport State High School
75 Smith St
Southport QLD 4215

Toowoomba Branch

Darling Heights State School
Wuth St
Toowoomba QLD 4350


Our School Events

37th Cultural Concert

37th Cultural Concert brisbanetamilschool September 21, 2022

37th Sports Meet

37th Sports Meet brisbanetamilschool September 21, 2022

36th Sports Meet

36th Sports Meet brisbanetamilschool September 21, 2022


Cultural Event Magazines

39th Annual Concert Malar

37th Annual Concert Malar

Videos from our 38th Cultural Concert